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Gamepad | Stick Logitech MK220 Keyboard Mouse wireless malang - Kios komputer
The compact keyboard is about 36% smaller than standard keyboards but still has all the standard keys—so doing the things you love is as easy as ever.
So you can work or play in more places—like your comfy couch—the wireless connection virtually eliminates delays, dropouts and interference and gives you a range of up to 10 meters (33 feet).*
It helps protect your information by encrypting data transfer between the keyboard and receiver with one of the highest levels of data encryption available.
The keyboard’s minimalist design not only blends in with your décor—it serves a purpose. No extra space between the keys makes it compact as well as sleek.
Setup couldn’t be easier—you simply plug the wireless receiver into a USB port on your computer and start tweeting, blogging and IMing right away without software.
The keys barely make a sound, so you can hear the song you’re listening to—instead of the sound of typing.