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Gamepad | Stick LOGITECH F710 wireless malang - Kios komputer
Cut the cord and enjoy the freedom—gaming without wires. Simply insert the nano-receiver into a USB port for fast, 2.4 GHz data transmission with virtually no delays, dropouts or interference.
Discover a new level of feedback you can feel with every hit, crash and explosion in games that support vibration feedback.
Play console ports with their native-style controller or adopt a more relaxed position while enjoying PC games. F710 is easy to set up and use with your favorite games thanks to XInput/DirectInput—the two most common input standards.
Pair F710 with Big Picture and navigate Steam, surf the web, play games and more from the comfort of your couch. Bring your entire library of Steam games to the living room, grab your F710, sit back, and enjoy.
Standard D-pads rest on a single pivot point that can result in imprecise control. The D-pad glides over four individual switches for a more responsive, tactile feel.
Your instincts will guide your actions over the familiar layout and you’ll be off and gaming in no time. Crafted for a console-like controlling experience and innovated from traditional design, F710 fits like a glove.