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Harga, Jual, Spesifikasi, Review
harga jual FLASHDISK I KEY MAGIC DRIVE SECURITY 8GB malang - Kios komputer
iKey can make various magic volumes on the computer.
Secrets will be encrypted when putting them into a
magic volume.
Your private information vanishes after removing iKey.
Even if your computer is stolen or taken away by
investigation team, all valuables and secrets merely
appear along with iKey, just like the story of Harry Potter
and the Chamber of Secrets.
So magic!
Robust Encryption Drive - iKey Magic Drive
1. Build your secret rooms anytime, anywhere. iKey is the only way to open your files.
2. After unplugging iKey, secret room vanishes.
3. No one can get your info without iKey.
4. No icon displays after unplugging iKey.
5. User-friendly interface, simple but powerful
6. Update firmware automatically while installing.
7. Compatibility with Windows 8.1, 8, 7, XP
8. USB 2.0 compliant, Plug and Play
Hardware Specifications
Storage Capacity : 8GB
Read/Write Rate : 18MB/s, 10MB/s
Dimensions : 77.9mm x 22.2mm x 12.05mm
USB 2.0 compliant
Storage Environment
Operating Temperature : 32F to 140F (0C to 60C)
Storage Temperature : -4F to 185F (-20C to 85C)
Minimum System Requirements
Available space in Drive C : More than 1GB
Available space of other sectors : More than 1GB
Compatibility with Windows 8, 7(SP1), XP