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mouse pad gaming SteelSeries QcK mass ( 320 x 285 x 6 mm ) malang - Kios komputer
SteelSeries QcK mass is a super thick mouse pad made of a high quality cloth material with a specially designed non-slip rubber base which prevents the pad from sliding; no matter what surface the mouse pad is placed on. It's important to notice the difference between SteelSeries QcK mass and all other mouse pads from our SteelSeries product line. This mouse pad features extremely heavy thickness which results in a very unique feeling. While the mouse pad is much more soft and comfortable to touch, the height is also fairly massive, reaching a total of 6mm. Other mouse pads from SteelSeries are very thin, aiming to provide a high quality gaming surface, as close as possible to level of the tabletop it's used on.
KIOS KOMPUTER Malang - Toko Komputer Online - Online Web StoreKomputer ,Android Tablet, LaptopBekas, Pc Gaming Aksesoris, Hardware ,Service