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Wacom Intuos S BLACK 4100 malang - Kios komputer
Express yourself, naturally.
Drawing with a Wacom pen in your hand is the most natural way to create on your computer. You can easily replicate pencils, chalks, oils, and watercolors as you move the Intuos pen across the tablet surface. Create your own effects, experiment, and share your stuff with friends and family online.
Everything you need to get started.
Intuos Pen small includes full versions of Autodesk® Sketchbook®Express and ArtRage® 3 Studio. So you can sketch, draw, and paint with confidence, knowing you’ll have industry-leading creative software at your fingertips the minute you plug in your tablet.
Petite but powerful.
This streamlined size is perfect for limited desktop areas and is easy to transport. Styled in striking silver and black, this slim, comfortable tablet is designed for both right and left-hand use.
Let your imagination run wild.
Sketch, draw, and color your manga digitally. Enjoy the precision of using a pen as you paint and the effects of traditional brushes, markers, and pens, thanks to the ergonomic, pressure-sensitive pen. Whether you're new to manga or digital illustration in general, the Intuos Manga tablet simplifies the entire process. Sketch, draw, and paint beautiful characters with unmatched precision and detail. You can create naturally, just like drawing on paper, but without spending a fortune on new supplies.
All you need to let the fun begin.
Intuos pen & touch small includes full versions of Autodesk® Sketchbook® Express and ArtRage® 3 Studio. So you can sketch, draw, and paint with confidence, knowing you'll have industry-leading creative software at your fingertips the minute you plug in your tablet.
Conveniently compact.
This streamlined size is perfect for limited desktop areas and is easyto transport. Styled in striking silver and black, this slim,comfortable tablet is designed for both right and left-hand use
Revision just got easier