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BITSPOWER Multi-Link Adapter G1 / 4 inch 16mm AD - black sparkle MALANG - Kios komputer
Otherwise the installation quickly becomes a frustration if the assembly fails on the wrong or too few connecting pieces and is delayed due to this.
Bitspower offers a comprehensive range, which offers the right solution for every requirement, whether it be adapters, direct hose connections, angle or distributor.
This is an adapter for connecting acrylic tubes in a water cooling circuit. Above all, the in-house Crystal Link Tubes are well suited for this purpose and can, for example, serve to couple two graphics cards and bridge the distance between the two.
For use with a CrossFire / SLI connection, two of these adapters are required since each of the two graphics cards must be equipped with one. The multi-link adapter has a standardized G1 / 4-inch male thread.
In addition, the Multi-Link connectors are compatible with Bitspower Crystal Link Tubes.
Technical details:
Dimensions: 15.5 x 24 mm (length x diameter)
Material: brass, nickel plated
Color: Black, glossy
Internal diameter: 16 mm
Thread length: 5 mm
Threaded connection: 1/4 inch
Bitspower Crystal Link Tubes
Acrylic tubes with a diameter of 16 mm